Germinating Brick

In this piece, I use natural materials to recreate an environment inspired by a garden with taller plants in the background and smaller ones in the foreground. The reference to a garden asks the question as to where we draw the line between nature versus human-made and how complex the issue facing humanity today is, having reached a point, where we would need to significantly change the way we live in order to revert the path we as humankind are guiding our planet to.

Humanity's impact on nature started thousands of years ago. The germinating brick is a testament to that as an artifact used by ancient Egyptian cultures to germinate grains before planting.

“Drop,”  bamboo and pigs’ intestines, 9’ x 3’ x 8’’/ 3m x 1m x 0,2m, 2015

“Drop,” bamboo and pigs’ intestines, 9’ x 3’ x 8’’/ 3m x 1m x 0,2m, 2015

“Germinating Brick,” mixed media installation, max. height: 7’/ 2m, 2013

“Germinating Brick,” mixed media installation, max. height: 7’/ 2m, 2013


Guaman Poma


The You and the I