
In “Surveys” I invite the audience to participate, through posing a question to which people feel inclined to think about.


Contact Points - 8 hours on the route

“Contact Points / 8 hours on the route” was an 8 hour performance in Quito, Ecuador. I took my 15 miles daily route to work and spend 8 hours on it making stops in predesigned places. The places were chosen on the map at regular distances. The purpose was to understand the diversity of backgrounds and lived experiences that can exist in a relatively small distance within an urban setting. I also wanted to transgress the use of public spaces, by being there in an awkward container. Additional concepts that I explored while creating this structure were: how to divide private from public space and how you can create a relatively private space within the public. My main activity within the box was to catch people’s attention and talk to them. Most people are curious and friendly in nature and in the context of Quito, still have interest and time to take a few minutes out of their schedule and find out more about something that has caught their attention.




Tourist Series